"This is a talented instrumentalist, with the kind of high-gloss tone that pulls sensuously at the listener's ear."

-New York Times

Chee-Yun Standing While holding Violin

Violinist Chee-Yun's flawless technique, dazzling tone and compelling artistry have enraptured audiences on five continents. Charming, charismatic and deeply passionate about her art, Chee-Yun continues to carve a unique place for herself in the ever-evolving world of classical music.

A winner of the Young Concert Artists International Auditions and a recipient of the Avery Fisher Career Grant, Chee-Yun has performed with many of the world's foremost orchestras and conductors. Orchestral highlights include her tours of the United States with the San Francisco Symphony under Michael Tilson Thomas and Japan with the NHK Symphony, a concert with the Seoul Philharmonic conducted by Myung-Whun Chung that was broadcast on national television, and a benefit for UNESCO with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s at Avery Fisher Hall. Chee-Yun has performed with such distinguished conductors as Michael Tilson Thomas, Jaap van Zweden, Manfred Honeck, Krzysztof Penderecki, Hans Graf, James DePriest, Jesus Lopez-Cobos, Neeme Järvi, Pinchas Zukerman, Giancarlo Guerrero, José Luis Gomez, Miguel Harth-Bedoya, and Carlos Kalmar. She has appeared with the Toronto, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Atlanta, and National symphony orchestras, as well as with the Saint Paul and Los Angeles Chamber Orchestras. Other orchestral engagements include performances with the Orquesta Sinfonia Nacional, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Mostly Mozart Festival Orchestra, and New World Symphony, as well as appearances with the National Philharmonic, Colorado and Pacific Symphonies, and the Tucson, Detroit, and Pensacola symphony orchestras. A champion of contemporary music, Chee-Yun performed Christopher Theofanidis’ Violin Concerto conducted by David Alan Miller as part of the Albany Symphony's American Festival, in addition to performing Kevin Puts’ Violin Concerto with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra. Recent highlights include her appearance with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, as well as her collaboration with acclaimed guitarist Mak Grgić.

As a recitalist, Chee-Yun has performed in many major U.S. cities, including New York, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Atlanta. Career highlights include appearances at the Kennedy Center's "Salute to Slava" gala honoring Mstislav Rostropovich and with the Mostly Mozart Festival on tour in Japan, as well as a performance with Michael Tilson Thomas in the inaugural season of Carnegie Hall's Zankel Hall and the U.S. premiere of Penderecki’s Sonata No. 2 with pianist Barry Douglas. In 2016, Chee-Yun performed as a guest artist for the Secretary General at the United Nations in celebration of Korea's National Foundation Day and the 25th anniversary of South Korea joining the UN. Other career highlights include recitals in St. Paul, Buffalo, Omaha, Scottsdale, and Washington, D.C., duo recitals with cellist Alisa Weilerstein, a recital tour with pianist Alessio Bax, and a performance at American Ballet Theatre's fall gala. Firmly committed to chamber music, Chee-Yun has toured with Music from Marlboro and appears frequently with Spoleto USA, a project she has been associated with since its inception. Additional chamber music appearances include performances at the Ravinia, Aspen, Bravo! Vail Valley, La Jolla, Caramoor, Green Music, Santa Fe, Orcas Island, Hawaii Performing Arts, and Bridgehampton festivals in the U.S.; the Great Mountains Music Festival in South Korea; the Clandeboye Festival with Camerata Ireland in Northern Ireland; the Opera Theatre and Music Festival in Lucca, Italy; the Colmar Festival in France; the Beethoven and Penderecki festivals in Poland; and the Kirishima Festival in Japan.

Chee-Yun has received exceptional acclaim as a recording artist since the release of her debut album of virtuoso encore pieces in 1993. Her recent recording of the Penderecki Violin Concerto No. 2 on Naxos was acclaimed as "an engrossing, masterly performance" (The Strad) and "a performance of staggering virtuosity and musicality" (American Record Guide).

Her releases on the Denon label include Mendelssohn's E-minor Violin Concerto, Vieuxtemps' Violin Concerto No. 5, Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole and Saint-Saëns' Violin Concerto No. 3 with the London Philharmonic under the direction of Maestro Lopez-Cobos, and violin sonatas from Debussy, Fauré, Franck, Saint-Saëns, Szymanowski, Brahms and Strauss. Two compilation discs, Vocalise d'amour and The Very Best of Chee-Yun, feature highlights of Chee-Yun's earlier recordings. In 2007, Chee-Yun recorded the Beethoven Triple Concerto with Camerata Ireland, pianist Barry Douglas, and cellist Andrés Diaz for Satirino Records. In 2008, Decca/Korea released Serenata Notturno, an album of light classics that went platinum within six months of its release.

Chee-Yun has performed frequently on National Public Radio's Performance Today and on WQXR and WNYC radio in New York City. She has been featured on KTV,a children's program on the cable network CNBC, A Prairie Home Companion, Public Radio International, and numerous syndicated and local radio programs across the world. She has appeared on PBS as a special guest on Victor Borge's Then and Now 3, in a live broadcast at Atlanta’s Spivey Hall concurrent with the Olympic Games, and on ESPN performing the theme for the X Games. In 2009, she also appeared in an episode of HBO's hit series Curb Your Enthusiasm. A short documentary film about Chee-Yun, “Chee-Yun: Seasons on the Road,” premiered in 2017 and is available on YouTube.

Chee-Yun's first public performance at age eight took place in her native Seoul after she won the Grand Prize of the Korean Times Competition. At 13, she came to the United States and was invited to perform Vieuxtemps’ Concerto No. 5 in a Young People's Concert with the New York Philharmonic. Two years later, she appeared as soloist with the New York String Orchestra under Alexander Schneider at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center. In 1989, she won the Young Concert Artists International Auditions, and a year later she became the recipient of the prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant. In Korea, Chee-Yun studied with Nam Yun Kim. In the United States, she has worked with Dorothy DeLay, Hyo Kang, Daniel Phillips, and Felix Galimir (chamber music) at The Juilliard School.

In addition to her active performance and recording schedule, Chee-Yun is a dedicated and enthusiastic educator. She gives master classes around the world and has held several teaching posts at notable music schools and universities. Her past faculty positions have included serving as the resident Starling Soloist and Adjunct Professor of Violin at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and as Visiting Professor of Music (Violin) at the Indiana University School of Music. From 2007 to 2017, she served as Artist-in-Residence and Professor of Violin at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

Chee-Yun's Violin

Chee-Yun’s magnificent violin was made in 1669 by Francesco Ruggieri. At the time, the northern Italian city of Cremona bustled and thrived in the art of string instrument-making. Luthiers such as Ruggieri and Antonio Stradivari were very much influenced by the craftsmanship of Nicolo Amati, who at that time was regarded as the star genius of Cremona. According to Tarisio, Ruggieri was influenced by Amati’s works as seen in his violins from 1670 to 1680’s – considered to be Ruggieri’s golden period of his career.

During her sophomore year at Juilliard, the then 21-year-old Chee-Yun’s ever-growing concert schedule put her in search of an instrument on which she could concertize. Chee-Yun gravitated towards a Ruggieri from Chicago’s famed Bein & Fushi. Before purchasing the violin, Chee-Yun had the instrument appraised by the renowned antique violin appraiser and expert, Dario D’Attili, who was astounded by the extreme preserved state of the violin- the original varnish was still intact, no cracks or any sign of wear and tear.

Not much was known of the violin’s provenance other than an account from Peter Biddulph, a British violin dealer from whom Bein & Fushi purchased the violin. It belonged to a family in Norway for nearly a century, according to Biddulph.

To learn more about the speculation of Chee-Yun’s violin being buried with its previous owner for nearly 200 years in an article from the Washington Post, click here.

연주에 대한 무한한 열정으로 변화무쌍한 클래식 음악계에서 확고한 위치를 지키며 매력적이고 카리스마를 지닌 연주자라는 평을 받고 있는 바이올리니스트 김지연은 필라델피아, 런던 필하모닉, 토론토, 피츠버그, 댈러스, 애틀랜타, 밀워키 오케스트라 등 세계 최고의 오케스트라들과 협연하며 한스그라프, 얍 판 츠베덴, 핀커스 주커만, 만프레드 호넥, 펜데레츠키, 네메 예르비 등의 저명 지휘자들과 작업해 왔다. 마이클 틸슨 토마스의 지휘로 샌프란시스코 심포니와 미국 투어를, NHK 심포니 오케스트라와 일본 투어 공연을 했으며, 정명훈/서울시향과 함께한 연주는 전국 방영된 바 있다. 미국의 뉴욕, 시카고, 워싱턴, LA 등의 주요 도시에서 독주회를 가졌으며 케네디 센터에서 로스트로포비치가 음악감독을 맡은 ‘Salute to Slava’ 갈라 콘서트와 뉴욕, 일본에서 열린 모차르트 페스티벌에도 참가했다. 또한 태평양 뮤직 페스티벌에서 마이클 틸슨 토마스와 함께 루호리슨의 ‘바이올린과 현악 오케스트라를 위한 모음곡’을 연주했으며 피아니스트 베리 더글라스와 펜데레츠키 소나타 제2번을 미국 초연하였다. 이 외에도 크리스토퍼 테오파니디스의 바이올린 협주곡과 케빈 퍼츠의 바이올린 협주곡을 연주하고, 기타리스트 막 그르기치와 함께 협연하는 등 이 시대를 대표하는 현대 작곡가 및 음악가와 활발한 협업을 이루고 있다.
실내악 음악에도 전념해 온 김지연은 미국의 라비니아, 아스펜, 브라보! 베일 밸리, 라 졸라, 콜로라도, 브릿지햄튼 페스티벌, 북아일랜드의 클란드보이 페스티벌, 대관령국제음악제를 비롯해 이탈리아, 프랑스 폴란드, 일본 등 전 세계 음악제에 초청받아 연주했다.

김지연은 음반 및 방송 활동을 통해서도 대중과 소통하고 있다. 1993년 데뷔 음반 이래 데논 레이블을 통해 다수의 음반을 발매했으며, 특히 낙소스에서 발매한 펜데레츠키 바이올린 협주곡 제2번 음반은 <스트라드>로부터 “듣는 이의 마음을 사로잡는 대가다운 연주”, <아메리칸 레코드 가이드>로부터 “압도적인 기교와 음악성을 지닌 연주”란 평을 받았다. 한국에서는 2002년 첫 크로스오버 음반 <프로포즈>를 발매하여 3만 장이 넘는 판매고를 올린 바 있으며, 이후 데카 레이블을 통해 <세레나타 노투르노>를 발매했다. 2017년 개봉한 단편 다큐멘터리 영화 ‘지연: 길 위의 계절(Chee-Yun: Seasons on the Road)’로 대중에게 더욱 친밀하게 다가간 그는 KTV, CNBC, PBS, HBO 등의 방송 프로그램은 물론 여러 라디오에도 출연하며 팬들과 소통하고 있다.

그는 8세에 서울에서 열린 코리아타임즈 경연대회에서 그랑프리를 수상하며 어린 나이에 공식적인 연주 활동을 시작했다. 13세에 미국 줄리어드에 입학, 1984년 뉴욕필 오디션에서 우승한 후 뉴욕 필하모니 연주회에 초청되어 주빈 메타 지휘로 비외땅의 바이올린 협주곡 5번을 연주했다. 1985년에는 카네기홀과 케네디 센터에서 슈나이더의 지휘로 뉴욕 현악오케스트라와 협연하였고, 1989년 국제오디션에서 주관하는 영 콘서트 아티스트에서 1위로 입상하면서 국제무대에서 인정받았다. 1990년에는 최고의 영예를 자랑하는 에이버리 피셔 커리어 그랜트상을 수상했다. 한국에서는 김남윤 교수를, 미국 줄리아드에서는 도로시 딜레이, 강효, 펠릭스 갈리머를 사사했다.

교육에도 헌신적인 그는 세계 곳곳에서 마스터 클래스를 열며 신시내티 음악대학의 부교수와 인디애나 대학 음대의 초빙교수, 댈러스 서던 메소디스트 대학의 교수 및 상주 예술가를 역임하며 후학을 양성해왔다.

김지연은 현재 장인들의 황금시대인 1669년에 프란체스코 루제리가 제작한 바이올린을 연주하고있다.

Concert Dates


Jan 07

Detroit Symphony Orchestra @Berman Center for the Performing Arts
Vivaldi Four Seasons
James Feddeck, conductor

West Bloomfield, MI

Jan 08

Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Village Theater at Cherry Hill.
Vivaldi Four Seasons
James Feddeck, conductor

Canton, MI

Jan 09

Detroit Symphony Orchestra
@Kirk in the Hills.
Vivaldi Four Seasons
James Feddeck, conductor

Bloomfield Hills, MI

Jan 10

Detroit symphony Orchestra
@Our Lady Star of the Sea.
Vivaldi Four Seasons
James Feddeck, conductor

Grosse Pointe, MI

Feb 11

Seoul Arts Center.
Brahms Concerto for Violin and Cello
Sung-Won Yang, cellist

Seoul, South Korea

Feb 26

Chamber Concert with Alessio Bax
Caruth Auditorium

Dallas, TX

Mar 12

Chamber Music concert
Wadsworth Auditorium.

Newman, GA

Apr 30 - May 1

Musical Masterworks concerts
Old Lyme's First Congregational Church

Old Lyme, CT

June 09-18

Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Academy and Festival.

Innsbrook Resort, MO

June 23-30

Strings Music Festival

Steamboat Springs, CO

July 05-22

Hawaii Performing Arts Festival

Big Island & Honolulu, HI

Aug 03-09

SummerFest La Jolla

La Jolla, CA

Aug 05

Presenter: La Jolla Music Society
Venue: Sherwood
Rep: SMETANA Piano Trio in G Minor, Op. 15 8:00pm

La Jolla, CA

Aug 07

Presenter: La Jolla Music Society
Venue: Sherwood Rep: MOZART String Quintet in C Major, K. 515 (Violin 2)

La Jolla, CA

Aug 09-16

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

Orcas Island, WA

Aug 19

Presenter: Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra
Venue: Corbett Theater
Rep: PIAZOLLA The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires
Conductor: Christopher Zimmerman

Cincinnati, OH

Aug 20

Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra
SCPA Corbett Theater, 8pm
Christopher Zimmerman, conductor
Piazzolla Seasons

Cincinnati, OH

Aug 21

Aug 21 A Little Afternoon Music:
Chee-Yun and Friends
Greenacres Arts Center 4pm

Cincinnati, OH


Presenter: National Philharmonic
Venue: The Music Center at Strathmore
Rep: Piazolla Four Seasons
Conductor: Piotr Gajewski

North Bethesda, MD

Sept 30

Sejong Soloists to perform at United Nations presented by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea. ABC-TV Nightline anchor Juju Chang will host. Guest soloists Chee-Yun, violinist, Yunah Lee, soprano, and Hwayoon Lee, violist join Sejong for a gala concert.

New York, NY

Oct 01

Meadows Distinguished Performer Concert series: Andres Diaz, Chee-Yun Kim and Wendy Chen: Concert Trio. Mendelssohn Piano Trio No.1 in D minor Op.49 and No .2 in C minor Op.66

Dallas, TX

Oct 09

Presenter: National Philharmonic
Venue: The Music Center at Strathmore
Rep: Piazolla Four Seasons; Vivaldi Four Seasons
Conductor: Piotr Gajewski

North Bethesda, MD

Jan 18

Pacific Symphony
Soka Performing Arts Center
Bruch: Violin Concerto No.1, Op.26

Alisa Viejo, CA

Feb 18

South Florida Symphony
Tennessee Williams Theatre
Sibelius: Violin Concerto, Op.47

Key West, FL

Feb 19

South Florida Symphony
Crest Theatre
Sibelius: Violin Concerto, Op.47

Delray Beach, FL

Feb 22

South Florida Symphony
Broward Performing Arts Center
Sibelius: Violin Concerto, Op.47

Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Apr 25

Minot Symphony
Nelson Hall
Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole

Minot, ND

May 07

Mobile Youth Symphony
Venue TBD
Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole

Mobile, AL

May 27

Recital: Myong Dong Cathedral

Seoul, South Korea

June 04-14

Innsbrook Institute

Innsbrook Resort, MO

June 28

Bellevue Arts Museum

Bellevue, WA

June 29

Governon's Mansion

Olympia, WA

July 05-24

Hawaii Performing Arts Festival

Big Island & Honolulu, HI

Aug 07-08

San Miguel Festival

San Miguel, Mexico

Sept 19

Asheville Symphony Opening Night 8pm
Thomas Wolfe auditorium
Saint-Saens Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso
Sarasate Zigeunerweisen
Daniel Meyer, conductor

Asheville, NC

Sept 26

Plano Symphny Orchestra
Eisemann Center
Tchaikovsky concerto
Hector Guzman, conductor

Plano, TX

Oct 01

1600 Peachtree St.
Bach Chaconne

Atlanta, GA

Nov 13

New York Classical Players
Flushing Town Hall.
Piazzolla Seasons of Buenos Aires
Dongmin Kim, conductor

Flushing, NY

Nov 14

New York Classical Players
W83 Concert Hall.
Piazzolla Seasons of Buenos Aires
Dongmin Kim, conductor

New York, NY

Nov 28

National Philharmonic
The Music Center at Strathmore
Mozart concerto #4
Piotr Gajewski, conductor

North Bethesda, MD

Nov 29

National Philharmonic
The Music Center at Strathmore.
Mozart concerto #4
Piotr Gajewski, conductor

North Bethesda, MD

Jan 31 - Feb 02

Colorado Symphony
Boettcher Concert Hall

Denver, CO

Feb 08

Johnson City Symphony
Mary B. Martin Auditorium, Seeger Chapel
Brahms: Violin Concerto, Op. 77

Johnson City, TN

Feb 15

Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival

Amelia Island, FL

Feb 22

New York Classical Players
Dongmin Kim, conductor

Norwood, NJ

Feb 23

Church of Heavenly Rest

Manhattan, NY

March 07 - 09

West Michigan Symphony
Frauenthal Theater

Muskegon, MI

Mar 21-22

Boise Philharmonic
Morrison Theater
Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor

Boise, ID

Mar 27-29

Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra Gala

Los Angeles, CA

April 12-13

Fargo-Moorhead Symphony
Festival Concert Hall
Britten: Concerto in D minor

Fargo, ND

Apr 26

Charles Wadworth Tribute Concert

Newman, GA

May 3

Dallas Symphony Chamber Music
City Performance Hall
works by Beethoven and Haydyn
w/ Alessio Bax

Dallas, TX

May 18

JCC of Greater Washington
Kreeger Auditorium
w/ Alessio Bax

Rockville, MD

May 30

Guanajuato Symphony Orchestra
Teatro Principal
Britten: violin concerto, Op.15
Conductor: Christopher Zimmerman

Guanajuato, Mexico

June 06-07

Madison Chamber Music Festival
Historic Bonar Hall

Madison, GA

June 25 - July 05

CICA Festival

Taipei, Taiwan

July 06-24

Hawaii Performing Arts Festival

Big Island and Honolulu, HI

Aug 14

BBCN Special Concert
Walt Disney Concert Hall

Los Angeles, CA

Aug 15-23

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

Orcas Island, WA

Sept 20

Springfield Symphony
Juanita K. Hammons Hall
(Missouri State University)
Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No.2, Op.63

Springfield, MC

Oct 11

Irving Symphony Orchestra
Carpenter Performance Hall@ the Irving Arts Center
Lalo's Symphonie Espagnole

Dallas, TX

Oct 18-19

National Philharmonic
Music Center at Strathmore
Sibelius: Violin Concerto, Op.47

North Bethesda, MD

Oct 24-26

Tucson Symphony
Tucson Music Hall
Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Op.35

Tucson, AZ

Nov 08

Toronto Symphony
Roy Thomson Hall
Vivaldi: The Four Seasons

Toronto, ON

Nov 15-16

Stockton Symphony
Atherton Auditorium
Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Op.35

Stockton, CA

Nov 29 - Dec 7

Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Festival

Hong Kong, China

Dec 14

Bergen Performing Arts Center
Recital: Works TBD

Englewood, NJ

Jan 04

Seoul Arts Center
Korean Symphony
Bruch G minor Concerto

Seoul, South Korea

Jan 12

The Forum
Harrisburg Symphony
Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto

Harrisburg, PA

Feb 15

Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival

Amelia Island, FL

Jan 26 - Feb 03

Israel Chamber Orchestra
Concerto and Chamber Music (rep tbd)

Eliat, Israel

Feb 17

Maurice Gusman Concert Hall
Sunday Afternoons of Music
With Alessio Bax

Coral Gables, FL

Mar 02 & 05

Chamber Music Concerts at SMU
Caruth Hall

Dallas, TX

Mar 15 & 17

Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5, K. 219 in A Major
Arild Remmereit, conductor
Palacio de Bellas Artes

Mexico City, Mexico

Mar 22

Lobero Theatre
Santa Barb Chamber Orchestra w/Rob Kapliow
What Makes It Great?® - Beethoven Violin Concerto

Santa Barbara, CA

April 20

Charles Wadworth and Friends Concert

Newman, GA

Apr 27

Ambassador Auditorium
Pasadena Symphony Association
Tchaikovsky: violin concerto in d major, op. 35

Pasadena, CA

May 04

The Virtuosic Violin: Works by Paganini, Saint-Saens, Kreisler and Sarasate; Heifetz transcriptions will be performed by guest violinists Philippe Quint and Chee-Yun, with David Aaron Carpenter, viola

New York, NY

May 17-19

Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival

Amelia Islands, FL

June 04 & 06

Madison Chamber Music Festival

Madison, GA

June 07-15

Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Academy and Festival

Innsbrook, MO

July 08

Oregon Bach Festival
Silva concert Hall
Mozart Concerto #5 in A Major
Jeffrey Kahane, conductor

Eugene, OR

July 09-21

Hawaii Performing Arts Festival

Big Island and Honolulu, HI

July 24-28

Foulger International Music Festival

Kean University in Union, NJ

Aug 15

Palácio das Artes
Philharmonic Orchestra of Minas Gerais
Fabio Maccheti, cond
Glazunov Violin Concerto

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Brazil

Aug 22-24

Missouri River Festival of the Arts

Boonville, MO

Sept 08

Lensic Performing Arts Center,
with the Santa Fe Symphony
Benjamin Rous conducting.

Santa Fe, NM

Sept 13 & 14

Grant Hall Auditorium

Anchorage, Alaska

Sept 15

Hotel Captain Cook

Anchorage, Alaska

Nov 21

Private Concert

Mexico City, Mexico

Dec 14-23

Chamber Music concerts and recitals in Korea

(Various Cities and Concert Halls TBD)

Jan 13

Chee-Yun and Friends concert
Vilar Center

Vail, CO

January 17-22

El Paso Chamber Music festival

El Paso, TX

January 24-30

South Florida Orchestra

Fort Lauderdale, FL

January 25

Tennessee Williams Theatre

Key West, FL

January 26

Maurice Gusman Concert Hall

Coral Gables, FL

January 29

Crest Theatre

Delray Beach, FL

January 30

Broward Center for the Performing Arts

Fort Lauderdale, FL

February 18 - 19

Wichita Symphony Orchestra
Century II Performing Arts and Convention Center
Sibelius Violin Concerto

Wichita, KS

February 24 - 25

El Paso Symphony Orchestra
The Plaza Theater
Sibelius Violin Concerto

El Paso, TX

March 09-10

Amarillo Symphony Orchestra
Brahms Violin Concerto

Amarillo, TX

March 12

SILL's Music Monday hosted by Robert Sherman

Sarasota, FL

March 13

SILL's Music Monday hosted by
Robert Sherman

Venice, FL

April 04 & 06

Hawaii Symphony Orchestra
JoAnn Falletta(conductor)
Mendelssohn concerto.

Honolulu, HI

April 20-21

Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra
National Theater Concert Hall

Taipei, Taiwan

April 27

Bridge the Gap Series Benefit concert
Piazzolla Seasons for Solo violin and string ensemble

Dallas, TX

May 09-11

Busan World Philharmonic Orchestra

Busan/Masan/Geoje, South Korea

May 28 & 29

Suwon Symphony Orchestra

Busan/Ulsan, South Korea

June 07

Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra
Meyerson Symphony Center
Kevin Puts violin concerto

Dallas, TX

June 08-16

Innsbrook Institute Festival

St. Louis, MO

July 02-10

Hawaii Performing Arts Festival

Big Island, HI

July 13

Pittsburgh Symphony
Vivaldi Four Seasons

Deep Creek, MD

July 14-19

Strings in the Mountains Festival

Steamboat Springs, CO

July 26

Disney Hall
Korean American Youth symphony

Los Angeles, CA

July 29

Master Class at the Foulger International Music Festival
Stanley-Kaplan Penthouse, Lincoln Center

New York, NY

Aug 02 & 03

Grant Park Music Festival, Harris Theater
Carlos Kalmar conducting Piazzolla Seasons

Chicago, IL

Aug 16-26

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

Orcas Island, WA

Sept 15

Thomas Wolfe Auditorium
Asheville Symphony
Daniel Meyer, conductor: Glazunov Violin Concerto

Asheville, NC

Sept 29

Duo recital with Alessio Bax
Caruth Hall at SMU

Dallas, TX

Oct 06

Wichita Falls Memorial Auditorium
Wichita Falls Symphony Orchestra
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto

Wichita Falls, TX

Oct 28

Kreeger Auditorium
JCC of Greater Washington
With Alessio Bax

Rockville, MD

Nov 17 & 18

Mobile Symphony
Scott Speck, conductor
Sibelius Violin COncerto

Mobile, AL

Dec 13

Midway Middle School Performing Arts Center
Four Seasons of Buenos Aires by Piazzolla

Waco, TX

Dec 31

Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen

Dallas, TX

January 07

Master Class
Presented By: National Philharmonic
Venue: Music Center at Strathmore

North Bethesda, MD

January 08 & 09

National Philharmonic
Vivaldi Four Seasons
Conductor: Piotr Gajewski
Venue: The Music Center at Strathmore

North Bethesda, MD

January 16

Fairfax Symphony Orchestra
Walton Violin Concerto
with Chris Zimmerman
Venue: Hylton Performing Arts Center

Fairfax, VA

Feb 03-06

San Francisco Symphony
Beethoven Triple Concerto
Cello: Alisa Weilerstein
Piano: Jeremy Denk
Conductor: Marek Janowski
Venue: Davies Symphony Hall

San Francisco, CA

February 11-13

Fort Worth Symphony
Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5
Conductor: Miguel Harth-Bedoya
Venue: Bass Performance Hall

Fort Worth, TX

February 16

Presented By: University of Wyoming
Venue: Fine Arts Concert Hall

Laramie, WY

Feb 19

A Musical Marathon: 50 Years of Young Concert Artists
Symphony Space

New York, NY

Mar 02

Cerritos Center for Performing Arts
Bach Double Concerto
Performance with Rob Kapilow

Cerritos, CA

Mar 13

Ensemble75: "From distant countryside"- Guest Artist Steinway Hall Dallas

Dallas, TX

March 19-20

Mobile Symphony
Mendelssohn Violin Concerto

Mobile, AL

March 29

A gala concert celebrating YCA’s 50th Anniversary:
Rose Theater, Jazz at Lincoln Center

New York, NY

April 1 & 3

Elgin Symphony Orchestra
Lalo Symphonie Espagnole
Robert Hanson, Conductor

Elgin, IL

April 11

Private concert

Dallas, TX

April 17

Charles Wadworth & Friends

Charleston, SC

April 21-23

Nashville Symphony Orchestra
Conductor, Gunther Herbig

Nashville, TN

April 25

Alessio Bax (Piano):'Brahms Project'
Caruth Auditorium
Southern Methodist Unisveristy

Dallas, TX

April 29 - May 01

Elgin Symphony Orchestra
Kazem Abdullah, Conductor
BEETHOVEN Triple Concerto

Elgin, IL

May 20 & 21

Boise Philharmonic Orchestra
Robert Franz, conductor

Boise, ID

June 09-19

Innsbrook Institute Festival

Innsbrook Resort, MO

June 23-28

Oregon Bach festival

Eugene, OR

June 29 - July 15

Hawaii Performing Arts Festival

Honolulu, HI

July 22-30

CCM Spoleto festival

Spoleto, Italy

August 12-27

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

Orcas Island, WA

Sept 25

Camerata Ireland
Long Gallery, Castletown House
Vivaldi and Piazzolla Four Seasons


October 08

Busan World Philharmonic Orchestra

Busan, Korea

October 15-16

Leaves of Gold Fundraising concert

Orcas Island, WA

October 21 & 23

Charles Wadsworth and Friends

Charlotte/Chaleston, NC

October 28

Recital at the Seoul Arts Center

Seoul, South Korea

November 04

Shine Arts Ltd.
National Theater Concert Hall

Taipei, Taiwan

November 12

National Philharmonic
Music Center at Strathmore

Baltimore, MD

December 01

Eugene Symphony Orchestra
Hult Center – Silva Hall
Beethoven Triple

Eugene, OR

January 03

Charles Wadsworth and Friends
(Kravis Center)

West Palm Beach, FL

January 12


Sarasota, FL

January 23-25

Oregon Symphony
Dvorak Violin Concerto
Conductor: Carlos Kalmar

Portland, OR

January 27

'What Makes It Great'
Rob Kapilow: Vivaldi Four Seasons
Cerritos Performing Arts Center

Cerritos, CA

January 29

Chee-Yun and Alisa Weilerstein
In recital at Minsky Recital Hall

Orono, ME

January 31

Bangor Symphony
Brahms Double Concerto with
Alisa Weilerstein

Orono, ME

February 04

Anniversary concert for Samsung Corp

Seoul, South Korea

February 06-07

Charles Wadsworth and Friends

Old Lyme, CT

February 11

Charles Wadsworth and Friends

Columbia, SC

February 14

Charles Wadsworth and Friends

Beaufort, SC

February 25-27

Jacksonville Symphony:
Mozart Violin Concerto No. 5
Conductor: Maestro JoAnn Falletta

Jacksonville, FL

March 06

Charles Wadsworth and Friends
at The Wadsworth auditorium

Newman, GA

March 08-09

Chamber Music West:
Recital at Faith Presbyterian Church

Sun City, AZ

March 20-21

National Philharmonic:
Brahms Violin Concerto

North Bethesda, MD

April 03

On Tour with Chris Botti:
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space

Tokyo, Japan

April 04

On Tour with Chris Botti:
Japan Aichi Art Theater

Nagoya, Japan

April 06

On Tour with Chris Botti:
Japan Sankei Hall Breeze

Osaka, Japan

April 08

On Tour with Chris Botti: Blaisdell Concert Hall

Honolulu, HI

April 29-30

"Phantasia" Concerto for Violin & Cello
by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on
The Phantom of the Opera
(with Julian Lloyd Webber on cello).

Ankara, Turkey

May 13-16

BBC Symphony Orchestra
Sibelius Violin Concerto
Conductor: Jiri Belohlavek

Seoul, South Korea

May 17-25

Universal Korea recording

Seoul, South Korea

June 06

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

Orcas Island, WA

June 11-19

Innsbrook Resort Festival

St.Louis, MO

June 23

Charles Wadsworth and Friends

Nashville, TN

July 23-28

Festival Pablo Casals

Prades, France

July 29-Aug 04

Bravo! Festival

Vail, CO

August 05-07

Britt Festival: Opening Concert
Saint Saens Concerto #3
Conductor: Peter Bay

Medford, OR

August 08-15

La Jolla Summerfest

La Jolla, CA

August 16-28

Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival

Orcas Island, WA

September 10

Master Class
Presented by Virginia Symphony

Norfolk, VA

September 10-11

Glazunov - Violin Concerto
Virginia Symphony
Conductor: JoAnn Falletta
Venue: Chrysler Hall

Norfolk, VA

September 12

Virginia Symphony
Glazunov - Violin Concerto
Conductor: JoAnn Falletta
Venue: Ferguson Center for the Arts - Christopher Newport

Newport News, VA

September 23-26

Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Beethoven Triple Concerto
Musicians: Lynn Harrell (cello) &
Anne-Marie McDermott (piano)
Conductor: Jaap van Zweden

Dallas, TX

September 28-30

Beethoven Violin Concerto
City Music Cleveland

Cleveland, OH

Oct 1-3

Beethoven Violin Concerto
City Music Cleveland

Cleveland, OH

Oct 5-9

South Florida Symphony

Key West, FL

Oct 12

Dallas Symphony League Recital
(Private Event)

Dallas, TX

Oct 14

Fortas Chamber Music Concerts
Kennedy Center: Terrace Theater
Pianist: Andrew Staupe

Washington, DC

Oct 19

Tuesday Musical Concert Series
Pianist: Jeewon Park
Venue: Joslyn Art Museum

Omaha, NE

Oct 24

New Albany Symphony
Music Director Luis Biava
Jeanne B. McCoy Community Center

New Albany, OH

Nov 09

China National Symphony Orchestra
Venue: Seoul Arts Center

Seoul, South Korea

December 03 & 05

Meadows Symphony
Caruth Auditorium

Dallas, TX

Chee-Yun Playing Violin Chee-Yun Staring to the Side Chee-Yun Holding Violin With Body Turned to the side Chee-Yun Staring to the Side with Hand Holding Neck Chee-Yun With Back to Camera and Face to Side Chee-Yun With Dress Flowing and Arms to Side Chee-Yun with a Ponytail Holding Violin
Chee-Yun holding violin wearing black dress

Booking Information

Mr. Robert Berretta
Opus 3 Artists, Ltd.
470 Park Avenue South, 9th Floor North
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 584-7500 Fax: (212) 556-5677